
Sam/Bam Manipulation


cnvnator [-genome name] -root out.root [-chrom name1 ...] -tree [file1.bam ...]


out.root  -- output ROOT file. See ROOT package documentation.
chr_name1 -- chromosome name.
file.bam  -- bam files.

Chromosome names must be specified the same way as they are described in sam/bam header, e.g., chrX or X. One can specify multiple chromosomes separated by space. If no chromosome is specified, read mapping is extracted for all chromosomes in sam/bam file. Note that this would require machines with a large physical memory of 7Gb. Extracting read mapping for subsets of chromosomes is a way around this issue. Also note that the root file is not being overwritten. To have correct q0 field for CNV calls (see below), one needs to use the option -unique when extracting read mapping from bam/sam files.


./cnvnator -root NA12878.root -chrom 1 2 3  -tree NA12878_ali.bam

for bam files with a header like this:

@HD VN:1.4    GO:none  SO:coordinate
@SQ SN:1      LN:249250621
@SQ SN:2      LN:243199373
@SQ SN:3      LN:198022430


./cnvnator -root NA12878.root -chrom chr1 chr2 chr3 -tree NA12878_ali.bam

for bam files with a header like this:

@HD VN:1.4    GO:none  SO:coordinate
@SQ SN:chr1   LN:249250621
@SQ SN:chr2   LN:243199373
@SQ SN:chr3   LN:198022430


./cnvnator -root NA12878.root -chrom 4 5 6 -tree NA12878_ali.bam
./cnvnator -root NA12878.root -chrom 7 8 9 -tree NA12878_ali.bam

is equivalent to

./cnvnator -root NA12878.root -chrom 4 5 6 7 8 9 -tree NA12878_ali.bam

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