
Genome Variant Analysis


java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -R ref.fasta -T SelectVariants --variant input.vcf -o output.vcf -se 'SAMPLE.+PARC' -select "QD > 10.0" -invertSelect


Argument name(s)Default valueSummary
Required Inputs
NAInput VCF file
Optional Inputs
noneOutput variants also called in this comparison track
noneOutput variants not called in this comparison track
[]List of sample expressions to exclude
[]List of samples to exclude
NAFile containing a list of samples to include
Optional Outputs
stdoutFile to which variants should be written
Optional Parameters
[]Exclude genotypes from this sample
NAList of variant IDs to select
NAList of variant IDs to select
2147483647Maximum number of samples filtered at the genotype level
1.0Maximum fraction of samples filtered at the genotype level
2147483647Maximum size of indels to include
1.0Maximum fraction of samples with no-call genotypes
2147483647Maximum number of samples with no-call genotypes
0.0Minimum GQ score for each trio member to accept a site as a violation
0Minimum number of samples filtered at the genotype level
0.0Maximum fraction of samples filtered at the genotype level
0Minimum size of indels to include
0.0Select a fraction of genotypes at random from the input and sets them to no-call
ALLSelect only variants of a particular allelicity
NARegular expression to select multiple samples
[]Include genotypes from this sample
0.0Select a fraction of variants at random from the input
[]One or more criteria to use when selecting the data
[]Do not select certain type of variants from the input file
[]Select only a certain type of variants from the input file
Optional Flags
falseDon't include filtered sites
falseDon't include non-variant sites
falseForces output VCF to be compliant to up-to-date version
falseOutput non-mendelian violation sites only
falseInvert the selection criteria for -select
falseStore the original AC, AF, and AN values after subsetting
falseStore the original DP value after subsetting
falseOutput mendelian violation sites only
falsePreserve original alleles, do not trim
falseRemove alternate alleles not present in any genotypes
falseSet filtered genotypes to no-call

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