
Sam/Bam Manipulation


java -jar picard.jar FixMateInformation I=input.bam O=fixed_mate.bam


INPUT (File)    The input file to check and fix. Default value: null. This option may be specified 0 or more times.
OUTPUT (File)    The output file to write to. If no output file is supplied, the input file is overwritten. Default value: null.
SORT_ORDER (SortOrder)    Optional sort order if the OUTPUT file should be sorted differently than the INPUT file. Default value: null. Possible values: {unsorted, queryname, coordinate, duplicate}
ASSUME_SORTED (Boolean)    If true, assume that the input file is queryname sorted, even if the header says otherwise. Default value: false. This option can be set to 'null' to clear the default value. Possible values: {true, false}
ADD_MATE_CIGAR (Boolean)    Adds the mate CIGAR tag (MC) if true, does not if false. Default value: true. This option can be set to 'null' to clear the default value. Possible values: {true, false}
IGNORE_MISSING_MATES (Boolean)    If true, ignore missing mates, otherwise will throw an exception when missing mates are found. Default value: true. This option can be set to 'null' to clear the default value. Possible values: {true, false}

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