
Fetch Data


sff-dump [options] <path/file> [<path/file> ...]


-h | --help Displays ALL options, general usage, and version information.
-V | --version Display the version of the program.
Data formatting:
-N | --minSpotId Minimum spot id.
-X | --maxSpotId Maximum spot id.
-G | --spot-group Split into files by spot group ("read group").
--spot-groups <[list]> Filter by spot group (read group): name[,...].
-R | --read-filter <[filter]> Split into files by value. Values:pass|reject|criteria|redacted.
Workflow and piping:
-O | --outdir Output directory, default is working directory ('.').
-Z | --stdout Output to stdout, all split data become joined into single stream. Note that this is the BINARY output, does not stream sff.txt. Useful for piping to another program.
-T | --group-in-dirs Split into subdirectories instead of files.
-K | --keep-empty-files Do not delete empty files.

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