
Fetch Data


prefetch [options] <SRA accession>


Required arguments

SRA accession: The Sequence Read Archive (SRA) accession identifier(s) of the data to download.


  • -T or --type value: Specify the file type to download. Default: sra.
  • -t or --transport http|fasp|both: Choose the transport method: fasp, http, or both [default]. "Both" first try fasp (ascp), if fails, use http instead.
  • --location value: Specify the location of the data.
  • -N or --min-size size: Minimum file size to download in KB (inclusive).
  • -X or --max-size size: Maximum file size to download in KB (exclusive). Default: 20G.
  • -f or --force yes|no|all|ALL: Force object download. Options: no [default], yes, all, ALL.
  • -r or --resume yes|no: Resume partial downloads. Options: no, yes [default].
  • -C or --verify yes|no: Verify after download. Options: no, yes [default].
  • -p or --progress: Show download progress.
  • -H or --heartbeat value: Display download progress at specified time intervals. Default: 1.
  • --eliminate-quals: Don't download QUALITY column.
  • -c or --check-all: Double-check all refseqs.
  • -S or --check-rs yes|no|smart: Check for refseqs in downloaded files. Options: no, yes, smart [default].
  • -o or --order kart|size: Kart prefetch order when downloading. Options: kart, size [default].
  • -R or --rows rows: Kart rows to download (default all). Row list should be ordered.
  • --perm PATH: PATH to JWT cart file.
  • --ngc PATH: PATH to NGC file.
  • --cart PATH: To read kart file.
  • -a or --ascp-path ascp-binary|private-key-file: Path to ascp program and private key file.
  • --ascp-options value: Arbitrary options to pass to ascp command line.
  • -o or --output-file FILE: Write file to FILE when downloading single file.
  • -O or --output-directory DIRECTORY: Save files to DIRECTORY.


To download SRA files and their dependencies, you can use a command like this:

prefetch SRA123456


Protocols using this tool

Download Fastq files from NCBI SRA database

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