,$3+}', bedtools slop will restrict the resizing to the size of the chromosome (i.e. no start < 0 and no end > chromosome size).. BioQueue Encyclopedia provides details on the parameters, options, and curated usage examples for slopBed.">


Genomic Interval Manipulation


slopBed [OPTIONS] -i -g [-b or (-l and -r)]


-b    Increase the BED/GFF/VCF entry by the same number base pairs in each direction. Integer.
-l    The number of base pairs to subtract from the start coordinate. Integer.
-r    The number of base pairs to add to the end coordinate. Integer.
-s    Define -l and -r based on strand. For example. if used, -l 500 for a negative-stranded feature, it will add 500 bp to the end coordinate.
-pct    Define -l and -r as a fraction of the feature’s length. E.g. if used on a 1000bp feature, -l 0.50, will add 500 bp “upstream”. Default = false.
-header    Print the header from the input file prior to results.

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