
Genome Variant Analysis


java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T ApplyRecalibration -R reference.fasta -input raw_variants.withASannotations.vcf -AS --ts_filter_level 99.0 -tranchesFile output.AS.tranches -recalFile output.AS.recal -mode SNP -o path/to/output.recalibrated.ASfiltered.vcf


Argument name(s)Default valueSummary
Required Inputs
NAThe raw input variants to be recalibrated
NAThe input recal file used by ApplyRecalibration
Optional Inputs
NAThe input tranches file describing where to cut the data
Optional Outputs
stdoutThe output filtered and recalibrated VCF file in which each variant is annotated with its VQSLOD value
Optional Parameters
NAIf specified, the recalibration will be applied to variants marked as filtered by the specified filter name in the input VCF file
SNPRecalibration mode to employ: 1.) SNP for recalibrating only SNPs (emitting indels untouched in the output VCF); 2.) INDEL for indels; and 3.) BOTH for recalibrating both SNPs and indels simultaneously.
NAThe truth sensitivity level at which to start filtering
Optional Flags
falseDon't output filtered loci after applying the recalibration
falseIf specified, the variant recalibrator will ignore all input filters. Useful to rerun the VQSR from a filtered output file.
falseIf specified, the tool will attempt to apply a filter to each allele based on the input tranches and allele-specific .recal file.
Advanced Parameters
NAThe VQSLOD score below which to start filtering

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