
Genome Variant Analysis


java -cp GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -R reference.fasta -V input1.vcf -V input2.vcf -out output.vcf -assumeSorted


Argument name(s)Default valueSummary
Required Inputs
NAgenome reference file .fasta
NAInput VCF file/s
Required Outputs
NAoutput file
Optional Outputs
NASet the logging location
Optional Parameters
INFOSet the minimum level of logging
-1the parameter (bin width or features per bin) to pass to the VCF/BCF IndexCreator
DYNAMIC_SEEKwhich type of IndexCreator to use for VCF/BCF indices
Optional Flags
falseassumeSorted should be true if the input files are already sorted (based on the position of the variants)
falseGenerate the help message
falseOutput version information

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