
Genome Variant Analysis


java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T CombineGVCFs -R reference.fasta --variant sample1.g.vcf --variant sample2.g.vcf -o cohort.g.vcf


Argument name(s)Default valueSummary
Required Inputs
NAOne or more input gVCF files
Optional Inputs
nonedbSNP file
Optional Outputs
stdoutFile to which the combined gVCF should be written
Optional Parameters
0If > 0, reference bands will be broken up at genomic positions that are multiples of this number
[StandardAnnotation]One or more classes/groups of annotations to apply to variant calls
Optional Flags
falseIf specified, convert banded gVCFs to all-sites gVCFs
Advanced Parameters
[AS_RMSMappingQuality]One or more specific annotations to recompute. The single value 'none' removes the default annotations

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