
Genome Variant Analysis


java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T DepthOfCoverage -R reference.fasta -o file_name_base -I input_bams.list [-geneList refSeq.sorted.txt] [-pt readgroup] [-ct 4 -ct 6 -ct 10] [-L my_capture_genes.interval_list]


Argument name(s)Default valueSummary
Optional Outputs
NoneAn output file created by the walker. Will overwrite contents if file exists
Optional Parameters
NACalculate coverage statistics over this list of genes
COUNT_READSHow should overlapping reads from the same fragment be handled?
127Maximum quality of bases to count towards depth
2147483647Maximum mapping quality of reads to count towards depth
-1Minimum quality of bases to count towards depth
-1Minimum mapping quality of reads to count towards depth
rtableThe format of the output file
[sample]Partition type for depth of coverage
Optional Flags
falseDo not output depth of coverage at each base
falseDo not calculate per-interval statistics
falseDo not calculate per-sample per-depth counts of loci
falseDo not output the summary files per-sample
falseAdd base counts to per-locus output
Advanced Parameters
499Number of bins to use for granular binning
1Starting (left endpoint) for granular binning
500Ending (right endpoint) for granular binning
[15]Coverage threshold (in percent) for summarizing statistics
Advanced Flags
falseIgnore sites consisting only of deletions
falseInclude information on deletions
falseInclude sites where the reference is N
falsePrint the bin values and exit immediately

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