
Genome Variant Analysis


java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T FindCoveredIntervals -R reference.fasta -I my_file.bam [-cov 10 \] [-uncovered \] -o output.list


Argument name(s)Default valueSummary
Optional Outputs
NAOutput the active region to this IGV formatted file
NAOutput the raw activity profile results in IGV format
stdoutAn output file created by the walker. Will overwrite contents if file exists
Optional Parameters
20The minimum allowable coverage to be considered covered
0The minimum allowable base quality score to be counted for coverage
0The minimum allowable mapping quality score to be counted for coverage
Optional Flags
falseoutput intervals that fail the coverage threshold instead
Advanced Inputs
NAUse this interval list file as the active regions to process
Advanced Parameters
0.002Threshold for the probability of a profile state being active.
NAThe active region extension; if not provided defaults to Walker annotated default
NAThe active region maximum size; if not provided defaults to Walker annotated default
NAThe sigma of the band pass filter Gaussian kernel; if not provided defaults to Walker annotated default
30000Maximum reads per sample given to traversal map() function
10000000Maximum total reads given to traversal map() function
Advanced Flags
falseIf provided, all bases will be tagged as active

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