
Genome Variant Analysis


java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T ReadBackedPhasing -R reference.fasta -I reads.bam --variant SNPs.vcf -L SNPs.vcf -o phased_SNPs.vcf --phaseQualityThresh 20.0


Argument name(s)Default valueSummary
Required Inputs
NAInput VCF file
Optional Outputs
stdoutFile to which variants should be written
Optional Parameters
20000The window size (in bases) to cache variant sites and their reads for the phasing procedure
1The maximum reference-genome distance between consecutive heterozygous sites to permit merging phased VCF records into a MNP record
10The maximum number of successive heterozygous sites permitted to be used by the phasing algorithm
17Minimum base quality required to consider a base for phasing
20Minimum read mapping quality required to consider a read for phasing
20.0The minimum phasing quality score required to output phasing
NAOnly include these samples when phasing
Optional Flags
falseIf specified, print out very verbose debug information (if -l DEBUG is also specified)
falseMerge consecutive phased sites into MNP records

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