
Genome Variant Analysis


java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T ValidationSiteSelectorWalker -R reference.fasta -V input1.vcf -V input2.vcf -sn NA12878 -o output.vcf --numValidationSites 200 -sampleMode POLY_BASED_ON_GT -freqMode KEEP_AF_SPECTRUM


Argument name(s)Default valueSummary
Required Inputs
NAInput VCF file, can be specified multiple times
Required Parameters
0Number of output validation sites
Optional Inputs
NAFile containing a list of samples (one per line) to include. Can be specified multiple times
Optional Outputs
stdoutFile to which variants should be written
Optional Parameters
KEEP_AF_SPECTRUMAllele Frequency selection mode
NARegular expression to select many samples from the ROD tracks provided. Can be specified multiple times
[]Include genotypes from this sample. Can be specified multiple times
NONESample selection mode
0.99GL-based selection mode only: the probability that a site is non-reference in the samples for which to include the site
[]Select only a certain type of variants from the input file. Valid types are INDEL, SNP, MIXED, MNP, SYMBOLIC, NO_VARIATION. Can be specified multiple times
Optional Flags
falseIf true, will ignore genotypes in VCF, will take AC,AF from annotations and will make no sample selection
falseIf true, will ignore polymorphic status in VCF, and will take VCF record directly without pre-selection
falseIf true, will include filtered sites in set to choose variants from

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