
Genome Variant Analysis


java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T VariantFiltration -R reference.fasta -o output.vcf --variant input.vcf --filterExpression "AB 50" --filterName "SomeFilterName"


Argument name(s)Default valueSummary
Required Inputs
NAInput VCF file
Optional Inputs
noneInput ROD mask
Optional Outputs
stdoutFile to which variants should be written
Optional Parameters
3The number of SNPs which make up a cluster
0The window size (in bases) in which to evaluate clustered SNPs
[]One or more expression used with INFO fields to filter
[]Names to use for the list of filters
[]One or more expression used with FORMAT (sample/genotype-level) fields to filter (see documentation guide for more info)
[]Names to use for the list of sample/genotype filters (must be a 1-to-1 mapping); this name is put in the FILTER field for variants that get filtered
0How many bases beyond records from a provided 'mask' rod should variants be filtered
MaskThe text to put in the FILTER field if a 'mask' rod is provided and overlaps with a variant call
Optional Flags
falseFilter records NOT in given input mask.
falseRemove previous filters applied to the VCF
falseInvert the selection criteria for --filterExpression
falseInvert the selection criteria for --genotypeFilterExpression
falseWhen evaluating the JEXL expressions, missing values should be considered failing the expression
falseSet filtered genotypes to no-call

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