
Genome Variant Analysis


java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T VariantsToBinaryPed -R reference.fasta -V variants.vcf -m metadata.fam -bed output.bed -bim output.bim -fam output.fam


Argument name(s)Default valueSummary
Required Inputs
NASample metadata file
NAInput VCF file
Required Outputs
NAoutput bed file
NAoutput map file
NAoutput fam file
Required Parameters
0If genotype quality is lower than this value, output NO_CALL
Optional Inputs
nonedbSNP file
INDIVIDUAL_MAJORThe output file mode (SNP major or individual major)
Optional Flags
falseChecks that alternate alleles actually appear in samples, erroring out if they do not
falseSets the major allele to be 'reference' for the bim file, rather than the ref allele

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