hisat2-build [options]* <reference_in> <ht2_base>
outputs a set of 6 files with suffixes .1.ht2, .2.ht2, .3.ht2, .4.ht2, .5.ht2, .6.ht2, .7.ht2, and .8.ht2. In the case of a large index these suffixes will have a ht2l termination. These files together constitute the index: they are all that is needed to align reads to that reference. The original sequence FASTA files are no longer used by HISAT2 once the index is built.
Note: If you use --snp, --ss, and/or --exon, hisat2-build
will need about 200 GB RAM for the human genome size as index building involves a graph construction. Otherwise, you will be able to build an index on your desktop with 8GB RAM.
Instead of building indexes yourself, you can also download precompiled indexes from here.
Main arguments
- reference_in: A comma-separated list of FASTA files containing the reference sequences to be aligned to, or, if -c is specified, the sequences themselves. E.g., might be chr1.fa,chr2.fa,chrX.fa,chrY.fa, or, if -c is specified, this might be GGTCATCCT,ACGGGTCGT,CCGTTCTATGCGGCTTA.
- ht2_base: The basename of the index files to write. By default, hisat2-build writes files named NAME.1.ht2, NAME.2.ht2, NAME.3.ht2, NAME.4.ht2, NAME.5.ht2, NAME.6.ht2, NAME.7.ht2, and NAME.8.ht2 where NAME is .
- -c: The reference sequences are given on the command line. I.e. is a comma-separated list of sequences rather than a list of FASTA files.
- --large-index: Force hisat2-build to build a large index, even if the reference is less than ~ 4 billion nucleotides long.
- -a/--noauto: Disable the default behavior whereby hisat2-build automatically selects values for the --bmax, --dcv and [--packed] parameters according to available memory. Instead, user may specify values for those parameters. If memory is exhausted during indexing, an error message will be printed; it is up to the user to try new parameters.
- --bmax <int>: The maximum number of suffixes allowed in a block. Allowing more suffixes per block makes indexing faster, but increases peak memory usage. Setting this option overrides any previous setting for --bmax, or --bmaxdivn. Default (in terms of the --bmaxdivn parameter) is
--bmaxdivn 4
. This is configured automatically by default; use -a/--noauto to configure manually.
- --bmaxdivn <int>: The maximum number of suffixes allowed in a block, expressed as a fraction of the length of the reference. Setting this option overrides any previous setting for --bmax, or --bmaxdivn. Default:
--bmaxdivn 4
. This is configured automatically by default; use -a/--noauto to configure manually.
- --dcv <int>: Use as the period for the difference-cover sample. A larger period yields less memory overhead, but may make suffix sorting slower, especially if repeats are present. Must be a power of 2 no greater than 4096. Default: 1024. This is configured automatically by default; use -a/--noauto to configure manually.
- --nodc: Disable use of the difference-cover sample. Suffix sorting becomes quadratic-time in the worst case (where the worst case is an extremely repetitive reference). Default: off.
- -r/--noref: Do not build the NAME.3.ht2 and NAME.4.ht2 portions of the index, which contain a bitpacked version of the reference sequences and are used for paired-end alignment.
- -3/--justref: Build only the NAME.3.ht2 and NAME.4.ht2 portions of the index, which contain a bitpacked version of the reference sequences and are used for paired-end alignment.
- -o/--offrate <int>: To map alignments back to positions on the reference sequences, it's necessary to annotate ("mark") some or all of the Burrows-Wheeler rows with their corresponding location on the genome. -o/--offrate governs how many rows get marked: the indexer will mark every 2^ rows. Marking more rows makes reference-position lookups faster, but requires more memory to hold the annotations at runtime. The default is 4 (every 16th row is marked; for human genome, annotations occupy about 680 megabytes).
- -t/--ftabchars <int>: The ftab is the lookup table used to calculate an initial Burrows-Wheeler range with respect to the first <int> characters of the query. A larger <int> yields a larger lookup table but faster query times. The ftab has size $4^{\text{<int>}+1}$ bytes. The default setting is 10 (ftab is 4MB).
- --localoffrate <int>: This option governs how many rows get marked in a local index: the indexer will mark every $2^{\text{<int>}}$ rows. Marking more rows makes reference-position lookups faster, but requires more memory to hold the annotations at runtime. The default is 3 (every 8th row is marked, this occupies about 16KB per local index).
- --localftabchars <int>: The local ftab is the lookup table in a local index. The default setting is 6 (ftab is 8KB per local index).
- -p <int>: Launch NTHREADS parallel build threads (default: 1).
- --snp <path>: Provide a list of SNPs (in the HISAT2's own format) as follows (five tab-separated columns).
- snp type (single, deletion, or insertion)
- chromosome name
- zero-offset based genomic position of a SNP
- alternative base (single), the length of SNP (deletion), or insertion sequence (insertion)
For example,
rs58784443 single 13 18447947 T
(in the HISAT2 package) to extract SNPs and haplotypes from a dbSNP file (example). or
to extract SNPs and haplotypes from a VCF file (example).
- --haplotype <path>: Provide a list of haplotypes (in the HISAT2's own format) as follows (five tab-separated columns).
- Haplotype ID
- chromosome name
- zero-offset based left coordinate of haplotype
- zero-offset based right coordinate of haplotype
- a comma separated list of SNP ids in the haplotype
For example,
ht35 13 18446877 18446945 rs12381094,rs12381056,rs192016659,rs538569910
See the above option, --snp, about how to extract haplotypes. This option is not required, but haplotype information can keep the index construction from exploding and reduce the index size substantially.
- --ss <path>: Note this option should be used with the following --exon option. Provide a list of splice sites (in the HISAT2's own format) as follows (four tab-separated columns).
- chromosome name
- zero-offset based genomic position of the flanking base on the left side of an intron
- zero-offset based genomic position of the flanking base on the right
- strand
Use (in the HISAT2 package) to extract splice sites from a GTF file.
- --exon <path>: Note this option should be used with the above --ss option. Provide a list of exons (in the HISAT2's own format) as follows (three tab-separated columns).
- chromosome name
- zero-offset based left genomic position of an exon
- zero-offset based right genomic position of an exon
Use (in the HISAT2 package) to extract exons from a GTF file.
- --seed <int>: Use as the seed for pseudo-random number generator.
- --cutoff <int>: Index only the first bases of the reference sequences (cumulative across sequences) and ignore the rest.
- -q/--quiet: hisat2-build is verbose by default. With this option hisat2-build will print only error messages.
- -h/--help: Print usage information and quit.
- --version: Print version information and quit.
Build a genome index for human genome (hg38)
First download the genome sequence file
wget -o hg38.chromFa.tar.gz
Then decompress the fasta file
tar -xvzfO hg38.chromFa.tar.gz > genome.fa
Build the index
hisat2-build genome.fa genome
Build a genome index for human genome (GRCh38) with SNP and transcripts annotations
First download files from servers
Then proprocessing files:
gunzip Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa.gz
mv Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa.gz genome.fa
gunzip snp144Common.txt.gz
awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"} {if($2 ~ /^chr/) {$2 = substr($2, 4)}; if($2 == "M") {$2 = "MT"} print}' snp144Common.txt > snp144Common.txt.tmp
mv snp144Common.txt.tmp snp144Common.txt genome.fa snp144Common.txt genome
gunzip Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.84.gtf.gz Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.84.gtf > Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.84.gtf > genome.exon
Finally, build the index
hisat2-build -p 4
--snp genome.snp
--haplotype genome.haplotype
--exon genome.exon
genome.fa genome_snp_tran
File formats this tool works with
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