
Genomic Interval Manipulation


bedCoverage genomeDatabase bedFile


This tool is part of UCSC Genome Browser's utilities.

Required arguments

  • genomeDatabase string: Genome assembly that the input regions are defined in. Must be in the list of UCSC Genome Browser database genomes. If a genome is not included in UCSC's database (e.g. gX), you will observe errors like
    Couldn't connect to database hg64 on as genomep.
    Unknown database 'gX'
  • bedFile string: Bed file for the calculation of genome-wide coverage. Note bed file must be sorted by chromosome.


  • -restrict=string: Restrict to parts in this file.


$ bedCoverage hg38 enC.bed | head
chr1   230486321 depth   22825283  9.90 anyCov   22825283  9.90%
 1    22825283 9.903%
 2           0 0.000%
 3           0 0.000%
 4           0 0.000%
 5           0 0.000%
 6           0 0.000%
 7           0 0.000%
 8           0 0.000%
 9           0 0.000%

File formats this tool works with

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