


checkTableCoords database [tableName]


This tool is part of UCSC Genome Browser's utilities.

Searches for illegal genomic coordinates in all tables in database
unless narrowed down using options. Uses ~/.hg.conf to determine
genome database connection info. For psl/alignment tables, checks
target coords only.
-table=tableName Check this table only. (Default: all tables)
-daysOld=N Check tables that have been modified at most N days ago.
-hoursOld=N Check tables that have been modified at most N hours ago.
(days and hours are additive)
-exclude=patList Exclude tables matching any pattern in comma-separated
patList. patList can contain wildcards (*?) but should
be escaped or single-quoted if it does. patList can
contain "genbank" which will be expanded to all tables
generated by the automated genbank build process.
-ignoreBlocks To save time (but lose coverage), skip block coord checks.
-verboseBlocks Print out more details about illegal block coords, since
they can't be found by simple SQL queries.

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