


htmlCheck how url


This tool is part of UCSC Genome Browser's utilities.

where how is:
ok - just check for 200 return. Print error message and exit -1 if no 200
getAll - read the url (header and html) and print to stdout
getHeader - read the header and print to stdout
getCookies - print list of cookies
getHtml - print the html, but not the header to stdout
getForms - print the form structure to stdout
getVars - print the form variables to stdout
getLinks - print links
getTags - print out just the tags
checkLinks - check links in page
checkLinks2 - check links in page and all subpages in same host
(Just one level of recursion)
checkLocalLinks - check local links in page
checkLocalLinks2 - check local links in page and connected local pages
(Just one level of recursion)
submit - submit first form in page if any using 'GET' method
validate - do some basic validations including TABLE/TR/TD nesting
cookies=cookie.txt - Cookies is a two column file
note: url will need to be in quotes if it contains an ampersand or question mark.

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