
Fetch Data


vdb-dump [options] <path/file> [<path/file> ...]


-h | --help Displays ALL options, general usage, and version information.
-V | --version Display the version of the program.
Data formatting:
-I | --row_id_on Print row id.
-N | --colname_off Do not print column-names.
-X | --in_hex Print numbers in hex.
-E | --table_enum Enumerates tables.
-T | --table Dumps only those tables included in a comma-separated list
-o | --column_enum_short Lists available columns in short form (recommended)
-O | --column_enum Lists columns in extended form
--phys Lists physical columns
-C | --columns Dumps only those columns included in a comma-separated list
-x | --exclude Exclude the specified columns
-R | --rows Dumps the specified rows
-M | --max_length limits line length
-f | --format dump format (csv,xml,json,piped,tab,fastq,fasta)
Workflow and piping:
--output-file write output to this file
--gzip compress output using gzip
--bzip2 compress output using bzip2
--output-buffer-size size of output-buffer, 0...none
--disable-multithreading disable multithreading
--option-file Read more options and parameters from the file.

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