
BigWig Manipulation


wigToBigWig in.wig chrom.sizes


This tool is part of UCSC Genome Browser's utilities.

wigToBigWig in.wig chrom.sizes

Required arguments

  • in.wig is in one of the ascii wiggle formats, but not including track lines
  • chrom.sizes is a two column file/URL: <chromosome name> <size in bases> (columns are separated by Tab). Use the script: fetchChromSizes to obtain the actual chrom.sizes information from UCSC, please do not make up a chrom sizes from your own information.
  • is the output indexed big wig file.


  • -blockSize=N: Number of items to bundle in r-tree. Default 256
  • -itemsPerSlot=N: Number of data points bundled at lowest level. Default 1024
  • -clip: If set just issue warning messages rather than dying if wig file contains items off end of chromosome or chromosomes that are not in the chrom.sizes file..
  • -unc: If set, do not use compression.
  • -fixedSummaries: If set, use a predefined sequence of summary levels.
  • -keepAllChromosomes: If set, store all chromosomes in b-tree.

File formats this tool works with

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